At their check up last week Alana was 7lb. 6oz. and Kira was 8lb. 2oz. The doctor was very impressed that they had put on 10 and 12 ounces since their last weigh in just 8 days before. She also gave us a suggestion to use a little rice cereal to help with the spit up. I explained we had tried that, but it would not go through a normal nipple and with slot nipples the flow was too quick for them causing them to choke. So she said just put a little in a spoon dry and feed it to them. Well, at first we didn't know if this was helping and it was making a huge mess :). So we stopped for a few days because they were still spitting up and the mess was a little crazy. When we stopped we noticed it was coming out of their noses again so we went back to the messy cereal. It does seem to thicken things in their tummy and keep it down just a little better.
We also went to NY and saw our "little" nephew. To be honest he looked large at 7lbs, but he is simply a normal weight. Joy and I are just use to looking at petite little baby dolls for so long that normal babies look huge! The bummer of the visit was we got burglarized over Labor Day weekend while we were out of town. I had flown back to work that week and when I got home all of the bikes I had left home were stolen, as well as our TV and other electronics from the living room. What a mess that has been. It took me a week or two to sort out the paper work.
I've also been spending a lot of time at home with the girls. I had a whole week on my own while Joy went back to work. Thankfully I had some help from Grema. It was so helpful having her come over to help me those couple of days. They really are easy, but much easier when you have an extra set of hands. It also allowed me to get some stuff around the house done.
Now I'm working part time taking half days off from work using my vacation time. Thanks to Aunt Kristen, Grandma, Sandi and Joel we are going to be able to stretch out 2 more weeks before the girls start daycare. We also have an appointment to meet with the daycare and take a tour this week.
I hate to break away now, but I have Kira hiccuping and yawning in my lap. She is like clock work and wakes up with spit up at 10am on the dot everyday lately. So time to entertain her for a while.
<Edit 10/3/2011 @2pm>
We have two lil ROCK STARS....
I forgot to talk about going out in public with these two. You almost can't go anywhere without talking to people. Everyone wants to know how old they are, let you know they seem so small for their age, you have to explain a bit why, they ask are they boys or girls? You think can't you see the pink? Then answer girls, followed by are they identical. Then I'll bet you never sleep? We had four, but not all at once how do you manage? I'll bet it is hard.... Double Trouble etc. Note our plate on the van now reads "TWINTRBL" :)
We have had patrons and waitresses in restaurants come across the establishment just to ogle at our little ones and chat. We've even had people stop to chat while we are trying to load both girls into the van. This in itself is scary, how do you get both seats in safely? You don't want to put one on the ground and it is hard to hold two at a time. You are such a target for criminals or accidents.
Don't get us wrong we love the girls and everyone is very polite and though multiples are becoming more common via IVF they are still rare. We are proud to show off our little ones, but it does get a little overwhelming. Just trying to walk across the farmers market took forever talking to one person after another. Joy at one point had to walk away from a lady who herself had even brought up how many people must hold her up to talk. Joy felt very rude, but needed to keep moving. Eventually I ditched Joy and went to the car because it was taking us so long with all of the conversing.
I hope I don't sound like I'm complaining too much. As they get older I'm sure we will get fewer interruptions when running errands. You only have a few hours to get your stuff done. Stopping every few minutes or so to not be rude as people pass by your table to chat at the restaurant chews up (hehe) your time.
Kira |
Alana and I falling asleep. |
Kira left Alana right |
Mommy and Alana |