Saturday, July 21, 2012

11 Months: Rolling - Scotting - Nose Scrunch - White Lake

Around 11 months Kira really started to get the hang of rolling over and she started showing a preference for sleeping on her tummy.  Alana can roll over but in general chooses not to.  Jim and I love to check in on them before we go to bed and Alana is usually just where we left her.  Kira is all over the place.  She rolls a lot but she also loves to stick her feet and legs through the bars of her crib.  We are very concerned that she will hurt herself but it does not seem to bother her.  We have to pull pretty hard sometimes to get her unstuck and it leaves red marks on her legs. 

                                      Kira - rolled over in bed for the first time that we noticed

Kira has also mastered the "nose scrunch".  She loves to do it when you take her picture.  It is her form of a smile at this stage.  Alana will also nose scrunch on occasion but Kira has it down pat. 





Both babies have started to scoot all over the place.  Alana moves around like crazy but she is always on her stomach and always going backwards.  Alana will even look over her shoulder to see where she is going.  Kira does not move around as much as Alana but she also goes backwards on her stomach or she has this new move where she sits up and bounces herself forward.  It is painfully slow but she gets there. 

We have had several summer vacations - one was to White Lake for Sandi's family reunion.

Kira in tube - Alana splashing at White Lake

Grema and Alana
Daddy and Kira

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