Monday, March 14, 2011

There are now Three!!!

.....Ultra Sounds that is.

So far, things still look really good. In fact, they seem to be in the same or similar position as the last ultra sound. Perhaps they have already been listening to us when we tell them to share the womb. They are still sort of stacked with their heads down by each others feet. Sort of like ying & yang. We even heard their heart beats, which was cool.

Some of the stats are....

The heart beats were 143 and 151. I think one was 103g and the other was 113g. Which is about 4 ounces each. The other good thing is that they are measuring very close in size and that is something they want to keep an eye on. At the moment they are within 8% of each other. The smaller is measuring about 2 days behind, but I think that is staying consistent which is good. For another comparison, a singleton baby would weigh about 2.5-2.75 oz. We are already ahead of the game.

In addition, Joy is up about 3 lbs. The doctor thinks she is up 5 but they didn't have her pre-pregnancy weight on file. He said, her weight gain was good with no worries there. So we just need to keep it up. It seems one pound or so a week is our goal. Ironic since the rule of thumb to loose weight is a pound a week.

I still can't believe the babies weight. They are the weight of a quarter pounder! Next week maybe a quarter pounder with cheese. So, Joy already has a half pound of babies bake'in in the oven. I keep typing baby and Joy keeps correcting it to babies...

A few dashed hopes did occur, but they were minor. We weren't able to determine the sex of the babies. We also couldn't see a dividing membrane so our prognosis hasn't changed.

Mark your calendars our next appointment is April 4th with the perinatal.


Sandi said...

Jimmy, if I were there, I'd box your ears!! You scared me to death with that title! If you make me have a heart attack, I can't help you with the babies!!!!!! Seriously, I'm glad all is well. Isn't hearing the heartbeats cool!!

Jim said...

I couldn't resist the title. I was so excited when I thought of it I sent it to Joy while I was at work. She thought it was a great idea. Don't worry about helping we will need lots. Joy and I have already been talking about how much help we will need. Especially since we aren't sure how long they will need to be at home before going to daycare. I'm hoping that I can somehow tack my paternity leave on to the end of Joy's maternity leave to give them an extra few weeks before being in daycare. We just don't know how the cookie will crumble...

Julie Rakes said...

I have to agree with Sandi - my heart stopped (painfully) for a second when I read the title of this post.

Glad things are goinng so well. Can't wait to hear the next update.

Steph+Jorg Salomo said...

Thanks for the little scary moment, you trying to give us all heart attacks?! - but then I had to laugh! Keep up the good humour :)