Thursday, May 19, 2011

Get out your Mirror....

Joy and I were watching a National Geographic documentary about multiple births last night.  In that program they talked about mirror twins which I had read about.  25% of Identical Twins are mirror twins.  Mirror twins can only happen when the zygote splits around 9-12 days after conception.  From what I can tell monoamniotic twins only happen when the zygote splits between days 8 and 12.  Any mirror twins can only occur as monoamniotic twins because it requires a late split. 

My conclusion would be that it is highly likely that these little girls will be mirror twins.  I cannot find any statistic stating the percent of momo twins that are mirror twins.  However, it seems that mirror twins are common according to the monoamniotic twin forums.

So, one may have curls that swirl to the left and the other the right.  One may be a righty and the other a lefty.  They may suck opposite thumbs.  Sleep exactly the same but on different sides.  They may have the same mole or birth mark, but on opposite limbs.  Sometimes even their finger prints are very very similar and hard to tell apart.  In extreme cases, even some or all of their organs are reversed with the heart on the right instead of the left etc.  If they are mirror twins let’s hope the organs are in the correct places.

How cool though?  It may be a while before we figure out if they are mirror twins.  I guess if you knew you could name them an L name and an R name to keep them straight J.  You just don't know if they are the righty or the lefty.

1 comment:

Sandi said...

Only you and your creative mind would think of naming them an L name and an R name! LOL