Saturday, March 12, 2011

Where to start

Well, Joy's week has been so-so with food. I think she made it 3 days this week with out getting sick. This morning I made her pancakes upon request, but the twins got pretty upset with them. The good news is that Joy may have put on two pounds this week. Which puts her back to pre-pregnancy weight. I guess the night time milk shakes are helping.

I still have to harras Joy to eat more often. Generally when she starts to feel queazy guess what? Its been 4-6 hours since a descent bit of food. For example last night she ate a small side salad and half a sandwich then stopped. She was feeling queazy again. I ask her when did you eat last..."Um...lunch wait I had a few nuts at 3." Well we were eating at 7pm. Silly girl:)

So on Wednesday of this week Joy called the OB to see if there is anything she can take for the nausea. They said they could call in a prescription for Zophran. Excellent! I went up to the pharmacy to pick it up and handed them Joy's new insurance card (she's not on mine anymore). They ran the card and said "I'm sorry, but the insurance company wont cover the medicine without a prior authorization from the Dr." So what is a prescription for? The doctor writes or calls in to the pharmacy and says "X needs this prescription." So with out the doctor telling the pharmacy they wont fill anything. Now if the Doctor doesn't tell the insurance company too they wont pay for anything. What a racket.

I was so mad. I kept thinking what on earth is the point. It seems you need to ask for the prescription then call your insurance to find out if they need to be notified by the doctor directly before you even waste your time going to the pharmacy. Good grief. So on my way out I thought, "Joy is so sick maybe I will go pay full price for the stupid meds." I went back to the counter and they wanted $189...."What the !@#@" This is nuts. I didn't get the meds and Joy thought I made the right decision on that.

He is an interesting fact. A woman's uterus, when carrying twins, will be about 6-8 weeks ahead of a woman who is carrying just one baby.

So, when we were at our birthing class we saw all of these women in there who were about 30-31 weeks. You can imagine the looks we kept getting. The women were obviously going "Why are they here" , "They are here a little early." etc. It was a very awkward feeling especially for Joy. It was a bit relieving to tell them we had twins and weren't over achievers. Now, I'm wondering "Will Joy be almost as big as them in 4 weeks when he have out last class? She will be at 18 weeks and about the size of a 24-26 week pregnancy. I guess she will be smaller, but holy smokes.

FYI....Joy just sat down in bed with me and is trying to force feed the twins more pancakes. I'm not sure who is more stubborn at this point, Joy or he Twins. At the moment it looks like the Twins might be. It also seems Joy is already heading down the path of motherhood..... "You're going to eat these pancakes and like it"

10 minutes later and Joys is currently winning the battle of Pancakes, but she is hanging on by a drop of maple syrup.....


Unknown said...

Le Nette took Zophran and it did work for her, but she had to take it before getting sick. Good Luck Joy!!
P.S. Glad you "made" the kids eat their pancakes for breakfast, good for

Unknown said...

If you don't have a magic bullet, you should get one. It makes the easiest smoothies and milkshakes and you make it right in the mug, so clean up is nothing. Hang in there Joy! It will all be worth it.

Sandi said...

The nausea should be easing up at bit at this stage of your pregnancy. I know it can't happen soon enough for you! But the funny thing is that you won't remember how bad it was after they're born. It'll be a vague memory. :)

Jim said...

We were able to get the meds yesterday. Joy hasn't taken them though. She has made it two mornings so far. This AM she had an Ensure plus and crackers before getting up. Then for breakfast she ate 90% of a 2 egg cheese omlete and 95% of a slice of bagel with apple butter and butter on it. Then drank about 12 oz. of milk....what a trooper! and it stayed down! even better

Steph+Jorg Salomo said...

Very impressed that you are teaching the twins to eat properly already ;-)