Saturday, July 9, 2011

2 days old

The girls are doing well.  Alana is still under the "bili-light" and her bilirubin went up just a little. She has a little reflux so they did a suppository to help move the meconium out and eleviate the pressure and let food pass.  The doctor listened to her bowels and thought it sounded good.  If she continues to have issues they will do an ultra sound on her as well.  They are also planning to up her food.  She has had a few episodes of bradicardia.  Basically she forgets to breath which causes her heart rate to drop.  This has happened a few times to they are now juicing her up with some caffeine.

Little Kira is doing well too.  She is out of the "bili-light" and will be tested again tomorrow to make sure her bilirubin stays in check.  She too was a little backed up and they did an ultra-sound on her tummy which looked good.  They are increasing her food intake as well.  We were able to hold her for a few hours today which was awesome!  I also got to change my first meconium diaper and swaddle her.  She made daddy's day by sleeping through the whole process.

The nurse was telling us that Kira would be moved to the Transition Nursery this evening.  She also said her sister would be right behind her once another bed opened in the transition nursery.  However, the charge nurse came by and said they decided not to move Kira.  They thought it was best to keep the girls across the hall and make it more convenient for us to see them.   The good part is that they both are doing so well they could step both down once there is room in the transition nursery.

Our little ones are real troopers.  Joy is doing well too.  She is walking better and refusing the strong pain meds.  She is just using Motrin to dull the pain.  The doctor she had yesterday thought she was crazy, but Joy would rather be in pain than to be nauseous. Talk about tough!  These little girls wont get much sympathy with "my tummy hurts"  Ok maybe from me they will :)

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