Friday, July 15, 2011


It's been a long couple of weeks.  Wednesday night when we got home from filling out paper work at Rex, Joy had a fever and her digestive system decided to explode in all directions.  The poor thing was an awful wreck.  We stayed up until about 0130 waiting for her to settle down.  Like a trooper she continued to pump and tried to take in fluids.  By morning her fever was lower and things seemed settled.

Joy called the Perinatal Clinic and they weren't worried.  The nurses remembered her and chit chatted.  It didn't sound like it was related to the C-section since there wasn't any abdominal pain.  They recommended some food items and said if the fever doesn't go away to go to an urgent care or hospital.  I was able to get some pieces of toast and jelly into her during the day and more ginger ale.  She also ate a few popsicles.  Then 1700 hit.

All of the sudden she started feeling very chilled and had an even higher temp of 101.7.  Then her digestive system blew up again!  It was like she had swallowed TNT.  That left us with, do we go to urgent care or straight to the emergency room?  I was still convinced she just had food poisoning or something, but we didn't want to risk having to rush in at midnight.  We both felt like we might get sent to the emergency room since she just had a C-section and was probably pretty dehydrated.

We got to Rex around 1815.  They triaged her and I ran the girls' dinner up to them while I was there.  We didn't leave until about 0100, stopped by the store for some light foods and headed home. The doctors did some lab work, pumped her with 1.5L of fluid and made sure she could hold liquids and crackers down.  What a brave soul too, she went right for the bright colored, acidic cranberry juice.  I would have picked something clear that might stain less.

Nothing definitive came out of the lab work.  Joy has one more lab we need to drop off because she was out of samples by the time we got to Rex.  She seems to be doing so-so now and is resting.  She's managed to keep fluids, teddy grahams, and jell-o in.  The ER Doctor recommended that she stay away from the gils for at least 24-48 hours after her fever breaks.  We just aren't sure when that is.  When we got to the ER her temp was normal.  At home it is reading about 100 give or take and mine 96.  The doctor also told me I should stay away just to be safe even though I don't have any symptoms.

I called the nursery to let them know what was going on.  The nurse today had heard Joy wasn't feeling well.  I had let them know briefly yesterday when I dropped of the milk, but they were on a shift change so I couldn't explain.  The nurse said she would let the doctors and others know to not expect us for a few days and told mom to rest up and take care of herself.

The girls sound like they are doing good.  They are taking their feeds and sleeping well.  She said "Boy those two are feisty! Especially that little Alana!"  I just keep thinking, "Oh boy what am I going to be in for now?"  We have two premies born at 31w3d who seemed to have been feisty little fighters since conception.  How will we ever keep up with them...... :)

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